
Taking A Step Back Can Be Wise

The only thing that matters now is my mission.  Nothing will stand in the way anymore. 
 When I went out for my walk yesterday it was sunny and hot... it was only 6:00 pm when I left so I thought it would be fine to walk at that time of the early evening.  When I woke up this morning, I had a migraine, the kind where the light was bothering my eyes and I felt nauseous, I knew not to play around with that and took two Advil immediately.  However; I didn't catch it quite quick enough and by 6:00 am I knew that going to work was out of the question.  I do not like to miss work, especially if it is a busy day as I know that just leaves more work for my co-workers and I don't feel good piling more work on anyone.

I rested most of the morning, keeping everything as quiet at possible... the migraine subsided and I have decided not to go out for long walks when the sun is that hot again... I am headed out for a walk tonight but not until around 7:30, I do not want a repeat of last night.  The good thing about this was that I actually got to rest, then I started cleaning in the afternoon.... without Valentina here, I was able to do all those jobs done that had piled up in the past couple of weeks.  I was able to sweep every part of the house, I have hardwood floors... which I love and I am hoping when I move that I will not have to deal with carpets.  After I swept all the floors twice, I then mopped them all... they were in need of a good mopping. 

I also pulled the washing machine out and washed all the blankets I could find... we have many.  This comes from when I was growing up with my ex step mother Ruth who was so stingy with blankets that my two sisters and I had to share one blanket on a double bed... I swore my children would never have to deal with that. Consequently I have way too many blankets... and pillows...  I just never want a child of mine to be cold and to feel like she couldn't ask for a blanket...  my ex step mother was an odd ball, she herself never went without blankets or pillows herself.  Sometimes I wonder what my father thought of this, he just never noticed... how odd was that?

Anyhow, I was able to get them all clean, dried and put away.  Valentina came home and was very happy to see that the house was sparkling clean... it feels good... as well all the dishes that had been piling up are all cleaned and put away.  I have really neglected the house while I have been exercising.  I leave very early in the morning and walk for nearly 45 minutes, then I usually go for another walk in the evening for 45 minutes to an hour... tonight will only be 30 to 40 minutes as I counted all the housework that I did as exercise...
Besides I need a really good sleep tonight, I do not want a repeat of this morning... tomorrow is likely going to be busier as it is Tuesday and and payroll is pretty busy on that day.  I missed work, chatting with my co-workers, helping the clients but I would have not been any good to anyone if I had gone in this morning... I most likely would have left and then spent the rest of the day in bed... this way, I got a little rest and then had some energy to do some much needed cleaning that will benefit me for the rest of the week... I feel like I was able to accomplish a lot today.  I won't take it for granted and push myself hard tonight, I will take a walk and then get some much needed rest...

Some times I am over competitive... okay... all the time I am over competitive.. today showed me that I needed to take a small step back and not push myself so hard... if I continued on this path that I was on, I could end up making myself sick and then what?  I think today was a reminder to me that I am not some sort of machine that can keep going and going without actually relaxing from time to time.  Just because I take a morning or evening off does not mean I am being lazy... it means I am taking care of myself.  I learned my lesson, thankfully I learned it before I made myself too ill.  It is really good to listen to our bodies, when things like this happen... it means to take a step back and analyze why... it doesn't mean, go harder...
I cherish my past, I accept my present and I dream for my future


  1. Your stepmother apparently had issues. That's sad for her and for you and your sister. Probably your dad too! I understand the need to make sure your child doesn't go without. She never would because you would give her everything and keep nothing for yourself. You are a kind, giving person.

    You are right about taking a step back you don't have to this overnight. You have made such great strides in your weigh loss. You are already a success story. Just take it a little slower and make permanent changes.

    1. Thank you Betty... my own father was oblivious... we discussed it later in life... I thought that was odd that he never noticed...

      Yes, taking a step back can be a really good idea, these are permanent changes that I have made and continue to make:)

  2. Hey, you are a sport woman. Go ahead, my friend and enjoy the summer! Kisses

  3. I'm glad your migraine subsided my friend. Those are NO fun at all. And you're right about taking a day off here and there - you're defniitely earning them with all the exercising you're doing :)

  4. You are doing so great with your new fitness routine and have a much better attitude! Keep up the good work but yes, take a step back whenever you need to!

    1. Thank you Marcia, I am very motivated... I am not letting anything get me off track...

  5. I am soooo inspired by your ambition to succeed, really Launa, you are amazing...I am observing with awe hoe unmoved you are from reaching your goal....How I wish I had half your enthusiasm and strength.

    1. Thank you Petronela... I never thought I could be so inspired but here I am... and believe me, I won't be swayed:)

  6. Cool post! Sometimes it's really necessary to relax a little bit and think about the way you try to reach your goals!

    1. Thank you Irina, I agree... occasionally we all need to relax a little :)

  7. I'm sorry to hear you weren't feeling well, but I'm glad you got to feeling better and that it turned out to be a productive time for you at home. We all need to take a break now and again.

    1. Thank you Daisy.. I guess that was a blessing in disguise :)

  8. Hi Launna, I am glad that your feeling is better. You seems doing really great, I'm with you, its good to step back, give yourself some space to breath keep it balancing is always relax!!!! I am so happy for you to finally will get to see your David again soon!:):)


    1. Thank you Tanya... it might not be until April that I see my David but yeah... I will see my David ;-)

  9. Our bodies are remarkable things and like to warn us when it's being over-worked. If you don't heed the warnings, things may get worse and next time you may not be able to do all the housework or exercising at all.

    Take a deserved break Launna, just a short one. Sit back for a few hours, relax, enjoy the lovely weather. You'll feel so much better for it, and you'll have a new amount of energy to expell later. Take care and I'll pop over again later.

    1. Thank you Rum Punch... I am taking a small break here and there... I really don't want to be injured :)

  10. I'm really proud that you've kept up on your walking. Walking can be so relaxing and just plain healthy and it's good that you're realizing your limitations such as not walking when it's hot out.

    I can never seem to find the motivation to keep up on housework and I too have TONS of blankets and pillows! Funny how similar we are at times.

    1. Thank you Jaimie... it is funny how similar we are at times... I will blog about my new adventures;-)

  11. Dashing out but wanted to shout out happy day to you Launna....your mission...your driven purpose....inspires me. Happy Friday.

    1. Thank you so much Nikki... I really appreciate your comment:)

  12. Good for you for listening to your body. A migraine is miserable, but it got your attention, and taught you what you needed to do. Our bodies' batteries need time to recharge, too.

    Talking about blankets reminds me of my childhood. In the first house we lived in, there was no central heat. We had a pot-bellied stove in the kitchen, but the rest of the house got pretty nippy in the wintertime. We each had a brightly-colored blanket we called our "Indian blankets", which we wrapped around us in the evenings before we went to bed. Quite pleasant, actually.

    Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks Susan, I wish I had good memories about blankets... at least my children do :)

  13. amazing blog! :)
    would you like to follow each other?

    1. Thank you Daria, I will definitely look at your blog :)

  14. i think you need to get more rest o.o get well soon!

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    1. Thank you Inge... I am taking the time to rest a little...

      I just visited your blog... I love the black and white on you, very pretty :)

  15. I need to do oposite, I have to get in certain rootine, but cant =/

    1. I think we could all use a little routine but not live by it... we need to have a little freedom too...

      Thank you for your comment Lara:)


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